FDMGlobalSolutions provides services for your company, like support, process optimization and training.
By experience we know that every die maker have experts enough to deal with the daily production problems and to support the customers, we also know how delicate is to share knowledge in this field, but soon or later this will change as was changing during the past years, this is the exactly the point where FDMGlobalSolutions will be helpful.
When your experts are busy or they are not available to visit customers, FDMGlobalSolutions can do this job for you, we help you to train your people, to help you or just to support the start-up of your products, always with the maximum confidentiality.
FDMGlobalSolutions use all his know-how to help you directly in your die shop in order to improve your process and profitability or after sales services visiting the customer in your name and taking care of your products.
If as a result of this service to the customer, a need of new products will be needed our technicians will prepare a report with all the instructions in order to produce the product or will assist you directly in the die shop at your convenience.
From our point of view there are two ways to look at the training: One is the view that as a user of the ISO, TS or any norm we have to keep training for our people and we have to justify, the other view is that training our people they have more knowledge, they feel better, they feel more comfortable with his job and obviously they achieve better results and they feel more compromised with the job.
We train your people from the factory and your supervisors or directors in order to have all the info about the products they are using in their factories. Always a certificate is delivered.
We can do the training seminars as a part of periodical training, as a preventive action after a problem is solved, as a part of your events o meetings or as one more activity related to your professional activities.
We can train your new people about basic drawing concepts in order they understand better the use of dies they are producing or your sales people to understand better the product they are selling.