FDM Global Solutions your wire drawing consultans.
We are focussed on cable manufacturers, tooling producers and machinery builders.
Our staff is highly qualified and collects more than 30 years of experience worldwide in wire drawing and drawing dies.
Our projects in Europe, Asia, USA and South America were basically focussed in different activities:
Our board
Joan Flo Ros. Co-founder
He starts his career in drawing dies production. For more than 30 years he performs different tasks like Quality, Technical Direction and Operations Management for the top wire & cable industries.
Thanks to his professional career and experience worldwide, actually he is one of the best dies & drawing experts.
Our Core Values
Commitment with our customers
We contribute with our wide experience, knowledge and effort to reach client expectations.
Independents and objectives
Our criteria and analysis are not determined by any product or supplier.
Highly efficient
The customer cannot lose time and profit, our solutions are always applied to keep the customer working as usual.
Guaranteed Solutions
Find the best solution is a must.